Expungement Lawyer - Executive Clemency Petition in Illinois

Getting arrested or prosecuted in Illinois is part of the public record even if the charges against you were dismissed or you were given court supervision. This can be a problem, says Peoria attorney Hugh Toner, “… because these records can be viewed by your existing employer, prospective employers, and even family and friends.” To “clean your record” and protect your reputation the Toner Law Office may be able to get you an expungement or seal of your record.

The Toner Law Office in Peoria, IL, has represented individuals seeking expungement and clemency in Peoria and Tazewell counties and throughout Central Illinois.
Clearing one’s record of criminal charges and convictions in Illinois may be possible if the person meets any one of the following criteria:

  • Municipal ordinance misdemeanor charges can be expunged if the charges are dismissed or the accused is found not guilty.
  • If the individual was sentenced to supervision (depending on the offense), and a certain period of time has elapsed since the sentence was discharged, and that person has not been arrested since the time of discharge.
  • If the person sentenced to TASC probation has successfully completed that probation, the conviction is subject to being set aside.
  • The individual was released without conviction following a sentence of supervision.
  • The person was found guilty of a crime but the court later ruled that person was factually innocent upon appeal.
  • The person received a pardon from the governor. *See Executive Clemency below

With the help of the Toner Law Office you can begin “clearing your record.” Law firm founder Hugh Toner will thoroughly review your arrest record to determine if your felony or misdemeanor arrest or charge can be expunged. If it can, he will file a petition on your behalf in the proper county, for expungement. If you need to appear in court, he will be by your side and be your steadfast legal advocate to protect your rights. In many situations, though, Hugh has gotten expungements and sealings for his clients without having to have them present. It all depends on the specifics of your case.

Hugh also cautions his clients that some charges are neither expungeable nor sealable - such as Driving Under The Influence (DUI). Other misdemeanor and felony convictions may not expungeable due to the type of sentence but may be sealable under certain conditions. To learn more contact Hugh Toner for a free initial consultation.
Peoria Criminal Defense Attorney Hugh Toner

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1216 SW Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61602

The Toner Law Office has successfully represented clients seeking expungements and sealing of records throughout Illinois including residents of Peoria county, Tazewell county, Woodford county and Knox county.

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Peoria Illinois Defense Attorney


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The executive clemency process begins with an application to appear before a Clemency Hearing Board. The board will hear your legal arguments for a pardon and review all court records relevant to your petition. This process also allows individuals opposing your pardon to be present and heard at the public hearing. After the hearing, the board will vote on your petition as to whether or not forward it to the state governor for a final decision (as to grant a pardon, and also the right to expunge your record of the conviction). In Illinois, there is no time limit for filing your petition for a hearing in front of the Executive Clemency Board.

Because of his background as a former Illinois prosecutor, Hugh Toner knows strategies that my help you overcome the objections of the Clemency Hearing Board. Your first step is to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case. Hugh will give you an honest evaluation of your legal predicament.
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