Toner Law Office Federal Crimes
1216 SW Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61602
The Toner Law Office represents those accused of crimes in Illinois in Federal and State courts. Hugh Toner will use every legal means necessary to help you achieve the most favorable outcome for your case. Hugh has earned a reputation for excellence and he will apply his extensive legal experience, skills, and resources for your best possible defense.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The content at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Consult a lawyer for advice regarding your individual situation or legal problem. We encourage you to contact us and welcome your phone calls, letters and electronic mail. However, contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not send any confidential information to our law firm until such time that an attorney-client relationship has been established.
Attorney Hugh Toner
... 20+ years experience representing individuals accused of Federal crimes.
It's a Federal crime for a person to import, produce, or conduct transactions in firearms across state lines unless that person possesses a license to import, produce, or sell firearms.
Peoria Attorney Represents Those Accused of Federal Crimes
Federal cases involve complex courtroom procedures and trials and can result in extreme penalties for the defendant on several fronts. You may be forced to deal with negative opinions about your character within your community and at your workplace. You are likely concerned about your personal financial resources and ability to take on aggressive Federal prosecutors. You are likely uneasy about spending time away from your family and friends or even spending time behind bars! There are no easy answers – only legal solutions when a person is alleged to have committed a Federal crime.
If you are being investigated by the U.S. Government or have been arrested for committing a federal crime you should seek legal advice from an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. Hugh Toner of the Toner Law Office in Peoria, IL, has over 20 years of experience representing persons charged with serious federal crimes. Hugh can represent you if you have been accused of committing any of following Federal crimes (partial listing):
- Fraud (Mail Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, Healthcare Fraud, Bank and Credit Card Fraud, Marriage and Immigration Fraud)
Are you Being Summoned To Testify Before A Grand Jury?
A person who is made to testify before a grand jury should seek legal counsel and advice before testifying in front of a Grand Jury.
Hugh also has experience in plea negotiations and has vast experience in Federal plea negotiations and procedures.
Have you been received a guilty verdict?
A guilty verdict in a federal courtroom doesn't mean “the game is over.” Hugh can assist you with federal appeals that may result in a overturning the verdict or obtain a lesser sentence.
Don't face U.S. Federal prosecutors without the strongest possible defense!
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