Toner Law Office Property Crimes
1216 SW Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61602
The Toner Law Office has successfully represented individuals accused and arrested for Burglary and other Property Crimes in the Peoria Metropolitan Area for over 25 years; including Illinois residents of Pekin, Metamora, Mossville, Morton, Washington, Bloomington-Normal, Farmington, Bartonville, Galesburg, Knoxville, Monmouth, and Abingdon.
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Charged With Criminal Trespass or Burglary in Illinois?
If you have been arrested for a Property Crime in Illinois you may be subject to serving time in jail and/or state prison. An experienced criminal defense attorney may be able to help you avoid a conviction and its resulting stiff penalties imposed by the state for a Property Crime.
While all cases are different he Toner Law Office in Peoria has helped those accused of misdemeanor and felony offenses in Illinois avoid conviction and time behind bars for the past twenty years. Attorney Hugh Toner has successfully represented adults and juveniles arrested for various Property Crimes that have included:
- Burglary; Criminal Trespass, Home Invasion, Robbery and Larceny
- Possession of Burglary Tools or Unlawful Sale of Burglary Tools
- Receiving Stolen Property
A burglary occurs when person enters any building or structure without permission and has intent to steal something or commit a felony. The fact is, as an experienced criminal defense attorney knows, it is most often very difficult for state prosecution lawyers to prove that the accused entered a property with the actual intent to commit theft (or felony).
Being arrested for Burglary is a serious crime. In Illinois it is classified as a Class 2 Felony, which is punishable by three to seven years in the Department of Corrections or up to four years of probation. But depending the background and criminal record of the individual arrested and the location where the alleged burglary occurred, the sentencing and penalties can vary significantly.
Assessing fingerprint and DNA evidence often comes into play with Burglary cases. The Toner Law Office has experience analyzing physical and crime scene evidence and use its findings for their client's best possible defense. Eye witness accounts of the alleged burglary, too, can very often be proved inaccurate and successfully challenged using expert testimony from seasoned crime scene experts. If you have been misidentified at a crime scene or have an alibi defense you'll still need a defense lawyer on your side. After all, your freedom and the well-being of your family is at stake!
Were you taking illegal drugs or on medication when arrested?
It's not uncommon for people with substance abuse problems to commit burglary or theft to get high. As medical research has advanced and social awareness has evolved over the years, Illinois (as with other states) has established alternative programs for drug addicts that commit crimes. If you have a drug addiction, you may qualify for drug court, get a deferred sentence, receive first offender probation or supervision, or receive impact incarceration ("boot camp") in lieu of Department of Corrections Sentencing time. Also, Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC), a not-for-profit organization, can provide behavioral health recovery management services for people with drug abuse and mental health issues. Attorney Hugh Toner has successfully obtained positive results for his clients with drug addictions. If you are a drug addict and been arrested for Residential Burglary or Burglary, or other Property Crime, contact the Toner Law Office for a free initial consultation.
If you find yourself in serious trouble and you're not sure what to do - CALL HUGH
FREE CASE REVIEW | (309) 671-4844
"Acquittal is more than just luck."
Criminal defense attorney
Hugh Toner fights for the freedom of the accused and their families.
The 6th Amendment guarantees those arrested for a crime the right
to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury. Know your rights! Consult with an experienced defense attorney dedicated to protecting your legal rights.
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